Source code for hybridLFPy.postproc

#!/usr/bin/env python
import numpy as np
import h5py
import os
import glob
import tarfile
from warnings import warn
from mpi4py import MPI

################# Initialization of MPI stuff ##################################
SIZE = COMM.Get_size()
RANK = COMM.Get_rank()

[docs]class PostProcess(object): """ class `PostProcess`: Methods to deal with the contributions of every postsynaptic sub-population. Parameters ---------- y : list Postsynaptic cell-type or population-names. dt_output : float Time resolution of output data. savefolder : str Path to main output folder. mapping_Yy : list List of tuples, each tuple pairing population with cell type, e.g., [('L4E', 'p4'), ('L4E', 'ss4')]. cells_subfolder : str Folder under `savefolder` containing cell output. populations_subfolder : str Folder under `savefolder` containing population specific output. figures_subfolder : str Folder under `savefolder` containing figs. """ def __init__(self, y=['EX', 'IN'], dt_output=1., mapping_Yy=[('EX', 'EX'), ('IN', 'IN')], savelist=['somav', 'somapos', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'LFP', 'CSD'], savefolder='simulation_output_example_brunel', cells_subfolder='cells', populations_subfolder='populations', figures_subfolder='figures', output_file='{}_population_{}', compound_file='{}sum.h5', ): """ class `PostProcess`: Methods to deal with the contributions of every postsynaptic sub-population. Parameters ---------- y : list List of postsynaptic cell-type or population-names. dt_output : float Time resolution of output data. mapping_Yy : list List of tuples, each tuple pairing population with cell type, e.g., [('L4E', 'p4'), ('L4E', 'ss4')]. savelist : list List of strings, each corresponding to LFPy.Cell attributes savefolder : str Path to main output folder. cells_subfolder : str Folder under `savefolder` containing cell output. populations_subfolder : str Folder under `savefolder` containing population specific output. figures_subfolder : str Folder under `savefolder` containing figs. output_file : str formattable file name for population signals, e.g., '{}_population_{}.h5' compound_file : str formattable file name for population signals, e.g., '{}sum.h5' """ #set some attributes self.y = y self.dt_output = dt_output self.mapping_Yy = mapping_Yy self.savelist = savelist self.savefolder = savefolder self.cells_path = os.path.join(savefolder, cells_subfolder) self.populations_path = os.path.join(savefolder, populations_subfolder) self.figures_path = os.path.join(savefolder, figures_subfolder) self.output_file = output_file self.compound_file = compound_file #set up subfolders if RANK == 0: self._set_up_savefolder() else: pass
[docs] def run(self): """ Perform the postprocessing steps, computing compound signals from cell-specific output files. """ if RANK == 0: if 'LFP' in self.savelist: #get the per population LFPs and total LFP from all populations: self.LFPdict, self.LFPsum = self.calc_lfp() self.LFPdictLayer = self.calc_lfp_layer() #save global LFP sum, and from L23E, L4I etc.: f = h5py.File(os.path.join(self.savefolder, self.compound_file.format('LFP') ), 'w') f['srate'] = 1E3 / self.dt_output f.create_dataset('data', data=self.LFPsum, compression=4) f.close() for key, value in list(self.LFPdictLayer.items()): f = h5py.File(os.path.join(self.populations_path, self.output_file.format(key, 'LFP.h5') ), 'w') f['srate'] = 1E3 / self.dt_output f.create_dataset('data', data=value, compression=4) f.close() if 'CSD' in self.savelist: #get the per population CSDs and total CSD from all populations: self.CSDdict, self.CSDsum = self.calc_csd() self.CSDdictLayer = self.calc_csd_layer() #save global CSD sum, and from L23E, L4I etc.: f = h5py.File(os.path.join(self.savefolder, self.compound_file.format('CSD')), 'w') f['srate'] = 1E3 / self.dt_output f.create_dataset('data', data=self.CSDsum, compression=4) f.close() for key, value in list(self.CSDdictLayer.items()): f = h5py.File(os.path.join(self.populations_path, self.output_file.format(key, 'CSD.h5') ), 'w') f['srate'] = 1E3 / self.dt_output f.create_dataset('data', data=value, compression=4) f.close() else: pass
##collect matrices with the single cell contributions in parallel #self.collectSingleContribs() def _set_up_savefolder(self): """ Create catalogs for different file output to clean up savefolder. """ if not os.path.isdir(self.cells_path): os.mkdir(self.cells_path) if not os.path.isdir(self.figures_path): os.mkdir(self.figures_path) if not os.path.isdir(self.populations_path): os.mkdir(self.populations_path)
[docs] def calc_lfp(self): """ Sum all the LFP contributions from every cell type. """ LFParray = np.array([]) LFPdict = {} i = 0 for y in self.y: fil = os.path.join(self.populations_path, self.output_file.format(y, 'LFP.h5')) f = h5py.File(fil) if i == 0: LFParray = np.zeros((len(self.y), f['data'].shape[0], f['data'].shape[1])) #fill in LFParray[i, ] = f['data'].value LFPdict.update({y : f['data'].value}) f.close() i += 1 return LFPdict, LFParray.sum(axis=0)
[docs] def calc_csd(self): """ Sum all the CSD contributions from every layer. """ CSDarray = np.array([]) CSDdict = {} i = 0 for y in self.y: fil = os.path.join(self.populations_path, self.output_file.format(y, 'CSD.h5')) f = h5py.File(fil) if i == 0: CSDarray = np.zeros((len(self.y), f['data'].shape[0], f['data'].shape[1])) #fill in CSDarray[i, ] = f['data'].value CSDdict.update({y : f['data'].value}) f.close() i += 1 return CSDdict, CSDarray.sum(axis=0)
[docs] def calc_lfp_layer(self): """ Calculate the LFP from concatenated subpopulations residing in a certain layer, e.g all L4E pops are summed, according to the `mapping_Yy` attribute of the `hybridLFPy.Population` objects. """ LFPdict = {} lastY = None for Y, y in self.mapping_Yy: if lastY != Y: try: LFPdict.update({Y : self.LFPdict[y]}) except KeyError: pass else: try: LFPdict[Y] += self.LFPdict[y] except KeyError: pass lastY = Y return LFPdict
[docs] def calc_csd_layer(self): """ Calculate the CSD from concatenated subpopulations residing in a certain layer, e.g all L4E pops are summed, according to the `mapping_Yy` attribute of the `hybridLFPy.Population` objects. """ CSDdict = {} lastY = None for Y, y in self.mapping_Yy: if lastY != Y: try: CSDdict.update({Y : self.CSDdict[y]}) except KeyError: pass else: try: CSDdict[Y] += self.CSDdict[y] except KeyError: pass lastY = Y return CSDdict
[docs] def create_tar_archive(self): """ Create a tar archive of the main simulation outputs. """ #file filter EXCLUDE_FILES = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.savefolder, 'cells')) EXCLUDE_FILES += glob.glob(os.path.join(self.savefolder, 'populations', 'subsamples')) EXCLUDE_FILES += glob.glob(os.path.join(self.savefolder, 'raw_nest_output')) def filter_function(tarinfo): print( if len([f for f in EXCLUDE_FILES if os.path.split([-1] in os.path.split(f)[-1]]) > 0 or \ len([f for f in EXCLUDE_FILES if os.path.split(tarinfo.path)[-1] in os.path.split(f)[-1]]) > 0: print('excluding %s' % return None else: return tarinfo if RANK == 0: print('creating archive %s' % (self.savefolder + '.tar')) #open file f = + '.tar', 'w') #avoid adding files to repo as /scratch/$USER/hybrid_model/... arcname = os.path.split(self.savefolder)[-1] f.add(name=self.savefolder, arcname=arcname, filter=filter_function) f.close() #resync COMM.Barrier()