Welcome to the documentation of hybridLFPy!

Module hybridLFPy

Python module implementating a hybrid model scheme for predictions of extracellular potentials (local field potentials, LFPs) of spiking neuron network simulations.


The module hybridLFPy was mainly developed in the Computational Neuroscience Group (http://compneuro.umb.no), Department of Mathemathical Sciences and Technology (http://www.nmbu.no/imt), at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (http://www.nmbu.no), Aas, Norway, in collaboration with Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine (INM-6) and Institute for Advanced Simulation (IAS-6), Juelich Research Centre and JARA, Juelich, Germany (http://www.fz-juelich.de/inm/inm-6/EN/).


A preprint of our manuscript on the hybrid scheme implemented in hybridLFPy is available on arXiv.org at http://arxiv.org/abs/1511.01681

Citation: Espen Hagen, David Dahmen, Maria L. Stavrinou, Henrik Linden, Tom Tetzlaff, Sacha Jennifer van Albada, Sonja Gruen, Markus Diesmann, Gaute T. Einevoll. Hybrid scheme for modeling local field potentials from point-neuron networks. arXiv:1511.01681 [q-bio.NC]

Bibtex source:

   author = {{Hagen}, E. and {Dahmen}, D. and {Stavrinou}, M.~L. and {Lind{\'e}n}, H. and
        {Tetzlaff}, T. and {van Albada}, S.~J. and {Gr{\"u}n}, S. and
        {Diesmann}, M. and {Einevoll}, G.~T.},
    title = "{Hybrid scheme for modeling local field potentials from point-neuron networks}",
  journal = {ArXiv e-prints},
archivePrefix = "arXiv",
   eprint = {1511.01681},
 primaryClass = "q-bio.NC",
 keywords = {Quantitative Biology - Neurons and Cognition},
     year = 2015,
    month = nov,
   adsurl = {http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2015arXiv151101681H},
  adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}

Tutorial slides

Slides from OCNS 2015 meeting tutorial T2: Modeling and analysis of extracellular potentials hosted in Prague, Czech Republic on LFPy and hybridLFPy: CNS2015_LFPy_tutorial.pdf


This software is released under the General Public License (see LICENSE file).


This software comes without any form of warranty.


First download all the hybridLFPy source files using git (http://git-scm.com). Open a terminal window and type:

cd $HOME/where/to/put/hybridLFPy
git clone https://github.com/INM-6/hybridLFPy.git

To use hybridLFPy from any working folder without installing files, add this path to $PYTHONPATH. Edit your .bash_profile or similar file, and add:


Installing it is also possible, but not recommended as things might change with any pull request from the repository:

(sudo) python setup.py install (--user)

examples folder

Some example script(s) on how to use this module

docs folder

Source files for autogenerated documentation using Sphinx.

To compile documentation source files in this directory using sphinx, use:

sphinx-build -b html docs documentation

Online documentation

The sphinx-generated html documentation can be accessed at http://INM-6.github.io/hybridLFPy

Notes on performance

The present version of hybridLFPy may facilitate on a trivial parallelism as the contribution of each single-cell LFP can be computed independently. However, this does not imply that the present implementation code is highly optimized for speed. In particular, initializing the multicompartment neuron populations do not as much benefit from increasing the MPI pool size, as exemplified by a benchmark based on the Brunel-network example scaled up to 50,000 neurons and with simplified neuron morphologies.


Scaling example with hybridLFPy based on a Brunel-like network with 50,000 neurons, running on the JURECA cluster at the Juelich Supercomputing Centre (JSC), Juelich Research Centre, Germany.

Module hybridLFPy


Provides methods for estimating extracellular potentials of simplified spiking neuron network models.

How to use the documentation

Documentation is available in two forms:
  1. Docstrings provided with the code, e.g., as hybridLFPy? within IPython

  2. Autogenerated sphinx-built output, compiled issuing:

    sphinx-build -b html docs documentation

    in the root folder of the package sources

Available classes

Offline interface between network spike events and used by class Population
Creation of Poisson spiketrains of a putative network model, interfaces class Population
Creation of identical spiketrains per population of a putative network model, interface to class Population
Class using sqlite to efficiently store and enquire large amounts of spike output data, used by Cached*Network
Parent class setting up a base population of multicompartment neurons
Daughter of PopulationSuper, using CachedNetwork spike events as synapse activation times with layer and cell type connection specificity
Methods for processing output of multiple instances of class Population

Available utilities

Ground truth current-source density estimation from multicompartment models
Various methods used throughout simulations
Setup destination folders of simulation output files
Run a series of unit tests

class CachedNetwork

class hybridLFPy.CachedNetwork(simtime=1000.0, dt=0.1, spike_output_path='spike_output_path', label='spikes', ext='gdf', GIDs={'EX': [1, 400], 'IN': [401, 100]}, autocollect=True, cmap='Set1')[source]

Bases: object

Offline processing and storing of network spike events, used by other class objects in the package hybridLFPy.


simtime : float

Simulation duration.

dt : float,

Simulation timestep size.

spike_output_path : str

Path to gdf-files with spikes.

label : str

Prefix of spiking gdf-files.

ext : str

File extension of gdf-files.

GIDs : dict

dictionary keys are population names and item a list with first GID in population and population size

autocollect : bool

If True, class init will process gdf files.

cmap : str

Name of colormap, must be in dir(plt.cm).


hybridLFPy.cachednetworks.CachedNetwork object


collect_gdf() Collect the gdf-files from network sim in folder spike_output_path into sqlite database, using the GDF-class.
get_xy(xlim[, fraction]) Get pairs of node units and spike trains on specific time interval.
plot_f_rate(ax, X, i, xlim, x, y[, binsize, ...]) Plot network firing rate plot in subplot object.
plot_raster(ax, xlim, x, y[, pop_names, ...]) Plot network raster plot in subplot object.
raster_plots([xlim, markersize, alpha, marker]) Pretty plot of the spiking output of each population as raster and rate.

Collect the gdf-files from network sim in folder spike_output_path into sqlite database, using the GDF-class.

get_xy(xlim, fraction=1.0)[source]

Get pairs of node units and spike trains on specific time interval.


xlim : list of floats

Spike time interval, e.g., [0., 1000.].

fraction : float in [0, 1.]

If less than one, sample a fraction of nodes in random order.


x : dict

In x key-value entries are population name and neuron spike times.

y : dict

Where in y key-value entries are population name and neuron gid number.

plot_f_rate(ax, X, i, xlim, x, y, binsize=1, yscale='linear', plottype='fill_between', show_label=False, rasterized=False)[source]

Plot network firing rate plot in subplot object.


ax : matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot object.

X : str

Population name.

i : int

Population index in class attribute X.

xlim : list of floats

Spike time interval, e.g., [0., 1000.].

x : dict

Key-value entries are population name and neuron spike times.

y : dict

Key-value entries are population name and neuron gid number.

yscale : ‘str’

Linear, log, or symlog y-axes in rate plot.

plottype : str

plot type string in [‘fill_between’, ‘bar’]

show_label : bool

whether or not to show labels



plot_raster(ax, xlim, x, y, pop_names=False, markersize=20.0, alpha=1.0, legend=True, marker='o', rasterized=True)[source]

Plot network raster plot in subplot object.


ax : matplotlib.axes.AxesSubplot object

plot axes

xlim : list

List of floats. Spike time interval, e.g., [0., 1000.].

x : dict

Key-value entries are population name and neuron spike times.

y : dict

Key-value entries are population name and neuron gid number.

pop_names: bool

If True, show population names on yaxis instead of gid number.

markersize : float

raster plot marker size

alpha : float in [0, 1]

transparency of marker

legend : bool

Switch on axes legends.

marker : str

marker symbol for matplotlib.pyplot.plot

rasterized : bool

if True, the scatter plot will be treated as a bitmap embedded in pdf file output



raster_plots(xlim=[0, 1000], markersize=1, alpha=1.0, marker='o')[source]

Pretty plot of the spiking output of each population as raster and rate.


xlim : list

List of floats. Spike time interval, e.g., [0., 1000.].

markersize : float

marker size for plot, see matplotlib.pyplot.plot

alpha : float

transparency for markers, see matplotlib.pyplot.plot

marker : A valid marker style


fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure object

class CachedNoiseNetwork

class hybridLFPy.CachedNoiseNetwork(frate=[(200.0, 15.0, 210.0), 0.992, 3.027, 4.339, 5.962, 7.628, 8.669, 1.118, 7.859], autocollect=False, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: hybridLFPy.cachednetworks.CachedNetwork

Subclass of CachedNetwork.

Use Nest to generate N_X poisson-generators each with rate frate, and record every vector, and create database with spikes.


frate : list

Rate of each layer, may be tuple (onset, rate, offset)

autocollect : bool

whether or not to automatically gather gdf file output

**kwargs : see parent class hybridLFPy.cachednetworks.CachedNetwork


hybridLFPy.cachednetworks.CachedNoiseNetwork object


collect_gdf() Collect the gdf-files from network sim in folder spike_output_path into sqlite database, using the GDF-class.
get_xy(xlim[, fraction]) Get pairs of node units and spike trains on specific time interval.
plot_f_rate(ax, X, i, xlim, x, y[, binsize, ...]) Plot network firing rate plot in subplot object.
plot_raster(ax, xlim, x, y[, pop_names, ...]) Plot network raster plot in subplot object.
raster_plots([xlim, markersize, alpha, marker]) Pretty plot of the spiking output of each population as raster and rate.
spikes = None

Create independent poisson spike trains with the some rate, but each layer population should really have different rates.

class CachedFixedSpikesNetwork

class hybridLFPy.CachedFixedSpikesNetwork(activationtimes=[200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000], autocollect=False, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: hybridLFPy.cachednetworks.CachedNetwork

Subclass of CachedNetwork.

Fake nest output, where each cell in a subpopulation spike simultaneously, and each subpopulation is activated at times given in kwarg activationtimes.


activationtimes : list of floats

Each entry set spike times of all cells in each population

autocollect : bool

whether or not to automatically gather gdf file output

**kwargs : see parent class hybridLFPy.cachednetworks.CachedNetwork


hybridLFPy.cachednetworks.CachedFixedSpikesNetwork object


collect_gdf() Collect the gdf-files from network sim in folder spike_output_path into sqlite database, using the GDF-class.
get_xy(xlim[, fraction]) Get pairs of node units and spike trains on specific time interval.
plot_f_rate(ax, X, i, xlim, x, y[, binsize, ...]) Plot network firing rate plot in subplot object.
plot_raster(ax, xlim, x, y[, pop_names, ...]) Plot network raster plot in subplot object.
raster_plots([xlim, markersize, alpha, marker]) Pretty plot of the spiking output of each population as raster and rate.

class PopulationSuper

class hybridLFPy.PopulationSuper(cellParams={'verbose': False, 'cm': 1.0, 'nsegs_method': 'lambda_f', 'tstartms': 0, 'timeres_python': 0.1, 'Ra': 150, 'morphology': 'morphologies/ex.hoc', 'timeres_NEURON': 0.1, 'v_init': 0.0, 'lambda_f': 100, 'e_pas': 0.0, 'rm': 20000.0, 'tstopms': 1000.0}, rand_rot_axis=[], simulationParams={}, populationParams={'z_min': -450, 'z_max': -350, 'min_cell_interdist': 1.0, 'radius': 100, 'number': 400}, y='EX', layerBoundaries=[[0.0, -300], [-300, -500]], electrodeParams={'r_z': [[-1e+199, -600, -550, 1e+99], [0, 0, 10, 10]], 'r': 5, 'z': [-0.0, -100.0, -200.0, -300.0, -400.0, -500.0], 'seedvalue': None, 'y': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'x': [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], 'n': 20, 'sigma': 0.3, 'method': 'som_as_point', 'N': [[1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0]]}, savelist=['somapos', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'LFP', 'CSD'], savefolder='simulation_output_example_brunel', calculateCSD=True, dt_output=1.0, recordSingleContribFrac=0, POPULATIONSEED=123456, verbose=False, output_file='{}_population_{}')[source]

Bases: object

Main population class object, let one set up simulations, execute, and compile the results. This class is suitable for subclassing for custom cell simulation procedures, inherit things like gathering of data written to disk.

Note that PopulationSuper.cellsim do not have any stimuli, its main purpose is to gather common methods for inherited Population objects.


cellParams : dict

Parameters for class LFPy.Cell

rand_rot_axis : list

Axis of which to randomly rotate morphs.

simulationParams : dict

Additional args for LFPy.Cell.simulate().

populationParams : dict

Constraints for population and cell number.

y : str

Population identifier string.

layerBoundaries : list of lists

Each element is a list setting upper and lower layer boundary (floats)

electrodeParams : dict

parameters for class LFPy.RecExtElectrode

savelist : list

LFPy.Cell arguments to save for each single-cell simulation.

savefolder : str

path to where simulation results are stored.

calculateCSD : bool

Exctract laminar CSD from transmembrane currents

dt_output : float

Time resolution of output, e.g., LFP, CSD etc.

recordSingleContribFrac : float

fraction in [0, 1] of individual neurons in population which output will be stored


Random seed for population, for positions etc.

verbose : bool

Verbosity flag.

output_file : str

formattable string for population output, e.g., ‘{}_population_{}’


hybridLFPy.population.PopulationSuper object

See also

Population, LFPy.Cell, LFPy.RecExtElectrode


calc_min_cell_interdist(x, y, z) Calculate cell interdistance from input coordinates.
calc_signal_sum([measure]) Superimpose each cell’s contribution to the compound population signal,
cellsim(cellindex[, return_just_cell]) Single-cell LFPy.Cell simulation without any stimulus, mostly for
collectSingleContribs([measure]) Collect single cell data and save them to HDF5 file.
collect_data() Collect LFPs, CSDs and soma traces from each simulated population, and save to file.
draw_rand_pos(radius, z_min, z_max[, min_r, ...]) Draw some random location within radius, z_min, z_max, and constrained by min_r and the minimum cell interdistance.
run() Distribute individual cell simulations across ranks.
set_pop_soma_pos() Set pop_soma_pos using draw_rand_pos().
set_rotations() Append random z-axis rotations for each cell in population.
calc_min_cell_interdist(x, y, z)[source]

Calculate cell interdistance from input coordinates.


x, y, z : numpy.ndarray

xyz-coordinates of each cell-body.


min_cell_interdist : np.nparray

For each cell-body center, the distance to nearest neighboring cell


Superimpose each cell’s contribution to the compound population signal, i.e., the population CSD or LFP


measure : str

{‘LFP’, ‘CSD’}: Either ‘LFP’ or ‘CSD’.



The populations-specific compound signal.

cellsim(cellindex, return_just_cell=False)[source]

Single-cell LFPy.Cell simulation without any stimulus, mostly for reference, as no stimulus is added


cellindex : int

cell index between 0 and POPULATION_SIZE-1.

return_just_cell : bool

If True, return only the LFPy.Cell object if False, run full simulation, return None.



if `return_just_cell is False

cell : LFPy.Cell instance

if return_just_cell is True

See also

LFPy.Cell, LFPy.Synapse, LFPy.RecExtElectrode


Collect single cell data and save them to HDF5 file. The function will also return signals generated by all cells


measure : str

{‘LFP’, ‘CSD’}: Either ‘LFP’ or ‘CSD’.



output of all neurons in population, axis 0 correspond to neuron ind


Collect LFPs, CSDs and soma traces from each simulated population, and save to file.

draw_rand_pos(radius, z_min, z_max, min_r=array([0]), min_cell_interdist=10.0, **args)[source]

Draw some random location within radius, z_min, z_max, and constrained by min_r and the minimum cell interdistance. Returned argument is a list of dicts [{‘xpos’, ‘ypos’, ‘zpos’},].


radius : float

Radius of population.

z_min : float

Lower z-boundary of population.

z_max : float

Upper z-boundary of population.

min_r : numpy.ndarray

Minimum distance to center axis as function of z.

min_cell_interdist : float

Minimum cell to cell interdistance.

**args : keyword arguments

Additional inputs that is being ignored.


soma_pos : list

List of dicts of len population size where dict have keys xpos, ypos, zpos specifying xyz-coordinates of cell at list entry i.


Distribute individual cell simulations across ranks.

This method takes no keyword arguments.


Set pop_soma_pos using draw_rand_pos().

This method takes no keyword arguments.





(x,y,z) coordinates of each neuron in the population


Append random z-axis rotations for each cell in population.

This method takes no keyword arguments





Rotation angle around axis Population.rand_rot_axis of each neuron in the population

class Population

class hybridLFPy.Population(X=['EX', 'IN'], networkSim='hybridLFPy.cachednetworks.CachedNetwork', k_yXL=[[20, 0], [20, 10]], synParams={'EX': {'syntype': 'AlphaISyn', 'section': ['apic', 'dend']}, 'IN': {'syntype': 'AlphaISyn', 'section': ['dend']}}, synDelayLoc=[1.5, 1.5], synDelayScale=[None, None], J_yX=[0.20680155243678455, -1.2408093146207075], tau_yX=[0.5, 0.5], **kwargs)[source]

Bases: hybridLFPy.population.PopulationSuper

Class hybridLFPy.Population, inherited from class PopulationSuper.

This class rely on spiking times recorded in a network simulation, layer-resolved indegrees, synapse parameters, delay parameters, all per presynaptic population.


X : list of str

Each element denote name of presynaptic populations.

networkSim : hybridLFPy.cachednetworks.CachedNetwork object

Container of network spike events resolved per population

k_yXL : numpy.ndarray

Num layers x num presynapse populations array specifying the number of incoming connections per layer and per population type.

synParams : dict of dicts

Synapse parameters (cf. LFPy.Synapse class). Each toplevel key denote each presynaptic population, bottom-level dicts are parameters passed to LFPy.Synapse.

synDelayLoc : list

Average synapse delay for each presynapse connection.

synDelayScale : list

Synapse delay std for each presynapse connection.

J_yX : list of floats

Synapse weights for connections of each presynaptic population, see class LFPy.Synapse


hybridLFPy.population.Population object

See also

PopulationSuper, CachedNetwork, CachedFixedSpikesNetwork, CachedNoiseNetwork, LFPy.Cell, LFPy.RecExtElectrode


calc_min_cell_interdist(x, y, z) Calculate cell interdistance from input coordinates.
calc_signal_sum([measure]) Superimpose each cell’s contribution to the compound population signal,
cellsim(cellindex[, return_just_cell]) Do the actual simulations of LFP, using synaptic spike times from network simulation.
collectSingleContribs([measure]) Collect single cell data and save them to HDF5 file.
collect_data() Collect LFPs, CSDs and soma traces from each simulated population, and save to file.
draw_rand_pos(radius, z_min, z_max[, min_r, ...]) Draw some random location within radius, z_min, z_max, and constrained by min_r and the minimum cell interdistance.
fetchSpCells(nodes, numSyn) For N (nodes count) nestSim-cells draw POPULATION_SIZE x NTIMES random cell indexes in the population in nodes and broadcast these as SpCell.
fetchSynIdxCell(cell, nidx, synParams) Find possible synaptic placements for each cell As synapses are placed within layers with bounds determined by self.layerBoundaries, it will check this matrix accordingly, and use the probabilities from `self.connProbLayer to distribute.
get_all_SpCells() For each postsynaptic cell existing on this RANK, load or compute
get_all_synDelays() Create and load arrays of connection delays per connection on this rank
get_all_synIdx() Auxilliary function to set up class attributes containing
get_synidx(cellindex) Local function, draw and return synapse locations corresponding to a single cell, using a random seed set as POPULATIONSEED + cellindex.
insert_all_synapses(cellindex, cell) Insert all synaptic events from all presynaptic layers on cell object with index cellindex.
insert_synapses(cell, cellindex, synParams) Insert synapse with parameters`=`synparams on cell=cell, with segment indexes given by idx.
run() Distribute individual cell simulations across ranks.
set_pop_soma_pos() Set pop_soma_pos using draw_rand_pos().
set_rotations() Append random z-axis rotations for each cell in population.
cellsim(cellindex, return_just_cell=False)[source]

Do the actual simulations of LFP, using synaptic spike times from network simulation.


cellindex : int

cell index between 0 and population size-1.

return_just_cell : bool

If True, return only the LFPy.Cell object if False, run full simulation, return None.


None or LFPy.Cell object

See also

hybridLFPy.csd, LFPy.Cell, LFPy.Synapse, LFPy.RecExtElectrode

fetchSpCells(nodes, numSyn)[source]

For N (nodes count) nestSim-cells draw POPULATION_SIZE x NTIMES random cell indexes in the population in nodes and broadcast these as SpCell.

The returned argument is a list with len = numSyn.size of np.arrays, assumes numSyn is a list


nodes : numpy.ndarray, dtype=int

Node # of valid presynaptic neurons.

numSyn : numpy.ndarray, dtype=int

# of synapses per connection.


SpCells : list

presynaptic network-neuron indices

See also


fetchSynIdxCell(cell, nidx, synParams)[source]

Find possible synaptic placements for each cell As synapses are placed within layers with bounds determined by self.layerBoundaries, it will check this matrix accordingly, and use the probabilities from `self.connProbLayer to distribute.

For each layer, the synapses are placed with probability normalized by membrane area of each compartment


cell : LFPy.Cell instance

nidx : numpy.ndarray

Numbers of synapses per presynaptic population X.

synParams : which LFPy.Synapse parameters to use.


syn_idx : list

List of arrays of synapse placements per connection.

See also

Population.get_all_synIdx, Population.get_synIdx, LFPy.Synapse


For each postsynaptic cell existing on this RANK, load or compute the presynaptic cell index for each synaptic connection

This function takes no kwargs.




SpCells : dict

output[cellindex][populationname][layerindex], np.array of presynaptic cell indices.


Create and load arrays of connection delays per connection on this rank

Get random normally distributed synaptic delays, returns dict of nested list of same shape as SpCells.

Delays are rounded to dt.

This function takes no kwargs.





output[cellindex][populationname][layerindex]`, np.array of delays per connection.

See also



Auxilliary function to set up class attributes containing synapse locations given as LFPy.Cell compartment indices

This function takes no inputs.




synIdx : dict

output[cellindex][populationindex][layerindex] numpy.ndarray of compartment indices.


Local function, draw and return synapse locations corresponding to a single cell, using a random seed set as POPULATIONSEED + cellindex.


cellindex : int

Index of cell object.


synidx : dict

LFPy.Cell compartment indices

insert_all_synapses(cellindex, cell)[source]

Insert all synaptic events from all presynaptic layers on cell object with index cellindex.


cellindex : int

cell index in the population.

cell : LFPy.Cell instance

Postsynaptic target cell.



See also


insert_synapses(cell, cellindex, synParams, idx=array([], dtype=float64), X='EX', SpCell=array([], dtype=float64), synDelays=None)[source]

Insert synapse with parameters`=`synparams on cell=cell, with segment indexes given by idx. SpCell and SpTimes picked from Brunel network simulation


cell : LFPy.Cell instance

Postsynaptic target cell.

cellindex : int

Index of cell in population.

synParams : dict

Parameters passed to LFPy.Synapse.

idx : numpy.ndarray

Postsynaptic compartment indices.

X : str

presynaptic population name

SpCell : numpy.ndarray

Presynaptic spiking cells.

synDelays : numpy.ndarray

Per connection specific delays.



class PostProcess

class hybridLFPy.PostProcess(y=['EX', 'IN'], dt_output=1.0, mapping_Yy=[('EX', 'EX'), ('IN', 'IN')], savelist=['somav', 'somapos', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'LFP', 'CSD'], savefolder='simulation_output_example_brunel', cells_subfolder='cells', populations_subfolder='populations', figures_subfolder='figures', output_file='{}_population_{}', compound_file='{}sum.h5')[source]

Bases: object

class PostProcess: Methods to deal with the contributions of every postsynaptic sub-population.


y : list

Postsynaptic cell-type or population-names.

dt_output : float

Time resolution of output data.

savefolder : str

Path to main output folder.

mapping_Yy : list

List of tuples, each tuple pairing population with cell type, e.g., [(‘L4E’, ‘p4’), (‘L4E’, ‘ss4’)].

cells_subfolder : str

Folder under savefolder containing cell output.

populations_subfolder : str

Folder under savefolder containing population specific output.

figures_subfolder : str

Folder under savefolder containing figs.


calc_csd() Sum all the CSD contributions from every layer.
calc_csd_layer() Calculate the CSD from concatenated subpopulations residing in a certain layer, e.g all L4E pops are summed, according to the mapping_Yy attribute of the hybridLFPy.Population objects.
calc_lfp() Sum all the LFP contributions from every cell type.
calc_lfp_layer() Calculate the LFP from concatenated subpopulations residing in a certain layer, e.g all L4E pops are summed, according to the mapping_Yy attribute of the hybridLFPy.Population objects.
create_tar_archive() Create a tar archive of the main simulation outputs.
run() Perform the postprocessing steps, computing compound signals from cell-specific output files.

Sum all the CSD contributions from every layer.


Calculate the CSD from concatenated subpopulations residing in a certain layer, e.g all L4E pops are summed, according to the mapping_Yy attribute of the hybridLFPy.Population objects.


Sum all the LFP contributions from every cell type.


Calculate the LFP from concatenated subpopulations residing in a certain layer, e.g all L4E pops are summed, according to the mapping_Yy attribute of the hybridLFPy.Population objects.


Create a tar archive of the main simulation outputs.


Perform the postprocessing steps, computing compound signals from cell-specific output files.

class GDF

class hybridLFPy.GDF(dbname, bsize=1000000, new_db=True, debug=False)[source]

Bases: object

  1. Read from gdf files.
  2. Create sqlite db of (neuron, spike time).
  3. Query spike times for neurons.

dbname : str

Filename of sqlite database, see sqlite3.connect

bsize : int

Number of spike times to insert.

new_db : bool

New database with name dbname, will overwrite at a time, determines memory usage.


hybridLFPy.gdf.GDF object

See also

sqlite3, sqlite3.connect, sqlite3.connect.cursor


close() Close sqlite3.connect.cursor and sqlite3.connect objects
create([re, index]) Create db from list of gdf file glob
create_from_list([re, index]) Create db from list of arrays.
interval([T]) Get all spikes in a time interval T.
neurons() Return list of neuron indices.
num_spikes() Return total number of spikes.
plotstuff([T]) Create a scatter plot of the contents of the database, with entries on the interval T.
select(neurons) Select spike trains.
select_neurons_interval(neurons[, T]) Get all spikes from neurons in a time interval T.

Close sqlite3.connect.cursor and sqlite3.connect objects


See also

sqlite3.connect.cursor, sqlite3.connect

create(re='brunel-py-ex-*.gdf', index=True)[source]

Create db from list of gdf file glob


re : str

File glob to load.

index : bool

Create index on neurons for speed.



See also

sqlite3.connect.cursor, sqlite3.connect

create_from_list(re=[], index=True)[source]

Create db from list of arrays.


re : list

Index of element is cell index, and element i an array of spike times in ms.

index : bool

Create index on neurons for speed.



See also

sqlite3.connect.cursor, sqlite3.connect

interval(T=[0, 1000])[source]

Get all spikes in a time interval T.


T : list

Time interval.


s : list

Nested list with spike times.

See also



Return list of neuron indices.





list of neuron indices

See also



Return total number of spikes.

plotstuff(T=[0, 1000])[source]

Create a scatter plot of the contents of the database, with entries on the interval T.


T : list

Time interval.




Select spike trains.


neurons : numpy.ndarray or list

Array of list of neurons.



List of numpy.ndarray objects containing spike times.

See also


select_neurons_interval(neurons, T=[0, 1000])[source]

Get all spikes from neurons in a time interval T.


neurons : list

network neuron indices

T : list

Time interval.


s : list

Nested list with spike times.

See also


submodule helpers


This is a script containing general helper functions which can be applied to specialized cases.

hybridLFPy.helpers.autocorrfunc(freq, power)[source]

Calculate autocorrelation function(s) for given power spectrum/spectra.


freq : numpy.ndarray

1 dimensional array of frequencies.

power : numpy.ndarray

2 dimensional power spectra, 1st axis units, 2nd axis frequencies.


time : tuple

1 dim numpy.ndarray of times.

autof : tuple

2 dim numpy.ndarray; autocorrelation functions, 1st axis units, 2nd axis times.

hybridLFPy.helpers.calculate_fft(data, tbin)[source]

Function to calculate the Fourier transform of data.


data : numpy.ndarray

1D or 2D array containing time series.

tbin : float

Bin size of time series (in ms).


freqs : numpy.ndarray

Frequency axis of signal in Fourier space.

fft : numpy.ndarray

Signal in Fourier space.

hybridLFPy.helpers.centralize(data, time=False, units=False)[source]

Function to subtract the mean across time and/or across units from data


data : numpy.ndarray

1D or 2D array containing time series, 1st index: unit, 2nd index: time

time : bool

True: subtract mean across time.

units : bool

True: subtract mean across units.



1D or 0D array of centralized signal.

hybridLFPy.helpers.coherence(freq, power, cross)[source]

Calculate frequency resolved coherence for given power- and crossspectra.


freq : numpy.ndarray

Frequencies, 1 dim array.

power : numpy.ndarray

Power spectra, 1st axis units, 2nd axis frequencies.

cross : numpy.ndarray,

Cross spectra, 1st axis units, 2nd axis units, 3rd axis frequencies.


freq: tuple

1 dim numpy.ndarray of frequencies.

coh: tuple

ndim 3 numpy.ndarray of coherences, 1st axis units, 2nd axis units, 3rd axis frequencies.

hybridLFPy.helpers.compound_crossspec(a_data, tbin, Df=None, pointProcess=False)[source]

Calculate cross spectra of compound signals. a_data is a list of datasets (a_data = [data1,data2,...]). For each dataset in a_data, the compound signal is calculated and the crossspectra between these compound signals is computed.

If pointProcess=True, power spectra are normalized by the length T of the time series.


a_data : list of numpy.ndarrays

Array: 1st axis unit, 2nd axis time.

tbin : float

Binsize in ms.

Df : float/None,

Window width of sliding rectangular filter (smoothing), None -> no smoothing.

pointProcess : bool

If set to True, crossspectrum is normalized to signal length T


freq : tuple

numpy.ndarray of frequencies.

CRO : tuple

3 dim numpy.ndarray; 1st axis first compound signal, 2nd axis second compound signal, 3rd axis frequency.


>>> compound_crossspec([np.array([analog_sig1, analog_sig2]),
                        np.array([analog_sig3,analog_sig4])], tbin, Df=Df)
Out[1]: (freq,CRO)
>>> CRO.shape
Out[2]: (2,2,len(analog_sig1))

Compute the mean of the compound/sum signal. Data is first summed across units and averaged across time.


data : numpy.ndarray

1st axis unit, 2nd axis time



time-averaged compound/sum signal


>>> compound_mean(np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]))
hybridLFPy.helpers.compound_powerspec(data, tbin, Df=None, pointProcess=False)[source]

Calculate the power spectrum of the compound/sum signal. data is first summed across units, then the power spectrum is calculated.

If pointProcess=True, power spectra are normalized by the length T of the time series.


data : numpy.ndarray,

1st axis unit, 2nd axis time

tbin : float,

binsize in ms

Df : float/None,

window width of sliding rectangular filter (smoothing), None -> no smoothing

pointProcess : bool,

if set to True, powerspectrum is normalized to signal length T


freq : tuple

numpy.ndarray of frequencies

POW : tuple

1 dim numpy.ndarray, frequency series


>>> compound_powerspec(np.array([analog_sig1, analog_sig2]), tbin, Df=Df)
Out[1]: (freq,POW)
>>> POW.shape
Out[2]: (len(analog_sig1),)

Compute the variance of the compound/sum signal. Data is first summed across units, then the variance across time is calculated.


data : numpy.ndarray

1st axis unit, 2nd axis time



variance across time of compound/sum signal


>>> compound_variance(np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]))
hybridLFPy.helpers.corrcoef(time, crossf, integration_window=0.0)[source]

Calculate the correlation coefficient for given auto- and crosscorrelation functions. Standard settings yield the zero lag correlation coefficient. Setting integration_window > 0 yields the correlation coefficient of integrated auto- and crosscorrelation functions. The correlation coefficient between a zero signal with any other signal is defined as 0.


time : numpy.ndarray

1 dim array of times corresponding to signal.

crossf : numpy.ndarray

Crosscorrelation functions, 1st axis first unit, 2nd axis second unit, 3rd axis times.

integration_window: float

Size of the integration window.


cc : numpy.ndarray

2 dim array of correlation coefficient between two units.

hybridLFPy.helpers.crosscorrfunc(freq, cross)[source]

Calculate crosscorrelation function(s) for given cross spectra.


freq : numpy.ndarray

1 dimensional array of frequencies.

cross : numpy.ndarray

2 dimensional array of cross spectra, 1st axis units, 2nd axis units, 3rd axis frequencies.


time : tuple

1 dim numpy.ndarray of times.

crossf : tuple

3 dim numpy.ndarray, crosscorrelation functions, 1st axis first unit, 2nd axis second unit, 3rd axis times.

hybridLFPy.helpers.crossspec(data, tbin, Df=None, units=False, pointProcess=False)[source]

Calculate (smoothed) cross spectra of data. If `units`=True, cross spectra are averaged across units. Note that averaging is done on cross spectra rather than data.

Cross spectra are normalized by the length T of the time series -> no scaling with T.

If pointProcess=True, power spectra are normalized by the length T of the time series.


data : numpy.ndarray,

1st axis unit, 2nd axis time

tbin : float,

binsize in ms

Df : float/None,

window width of sliding rectangular filter (smoothing), None -> no smoothing

units : bool,

average cross spectrum

pointProcess : bool,

if set to True, cross spectrum is normalized to signal length T


freq : tuple

numpy.ndarray of frequencies

CRO : tuple

if `units`=True: 1 dim numpy.ndarray; frequency series if `units`=False:3 dim numpy.ndarray; 1st axis first unit,

2nd axis second unit, 3rd axis frequency


>>> crossspec(np.array([analog_sig1, analog_sig2]), tbin, Df=Df)
Out[1]: (freq,CRO)
>>> CRO.shape
Out[2]: (2,2,len(analog_sig1))
>>> crossspec(np.array([analog_sig1, analog_sig2]), tbin, Df=Df, units=True)
Out[1]: (freq,CRO)
>>> CRO.shape
Out[2]: (len(analog_sig1),)
hybridLFPy.helpers.cv(data, units=False)[source]

Calculate coefficient of variation (cv) of data. Mean and standard deviation are computed across time.


data : numpy.ndarray

1st axis unit, 2nd axis time.

units : bool

Average cv.



If units=False, series of unit `cv`s.


If units=True, mean cv across units.


>>> cv(np.array([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [11, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5]]))
array([ 0.48795004,  0.63887656])
>>> cv(np.array([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [11, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5]]), units=True)
hybridLFPy.helpers.decimate(x, q=10, n=4, k=0.8, filterfun=<function cheby1>)[source]

scipy.signal.decimate like downsampling using filtfilt instead of lfilter, and filter coeffs from butterworth or chebyshev type 1.


x : numpy.ndarray

Array to be downsampled along last axis.

q : int

Downsampling factor.

n : int

Filter order.

k : float

Aliasing filter critical frequency Wn will be set as Wn=k/q.

filterfun : function

scipy.signal.filter_design.cheby1 or scipy.signal.filter_design.butter function



Array of downsampled signal.

hybridLFPy.helpers.dump_dict_of_nested_lists_to_h5(fname, data)[source]

Take nested list structure and dump it in hdf5 file.


fname : str


data : dict(list(numpy.ndarray))

Dict of nested lists with variable len arrays.



hybridLFPy.helpers.fano(data, units=False)[source]

Calculate fano factor (FF) of data. Mean and variance are computed across time.


data : numpy.ndarray

1st axis unit, 2nd axis time.

units : bool

Average FF.



If units=False, series of unit FFs.


If units=True, mean FF across units.


>>> fano(np.array([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [11, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5]]))
array([ 0.83333333,  1.9047619 ])
>>> fano(np.array([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [11, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5]]), units=True)
hybridLFPy.helpers.load_dict_of_nested_lists_from_h5(fname, toplevelkeys=None)[source]

Load nested list structure from hdf5 file


fname : str


toplevelkeys : None or iterable,

Load a two(default) or three-layered structure.



dictionary of nested lists with variable length array data.

hybridLFPy.helpers.load_h5_data(path='', data_type='LFP', y=None, electrode=None, warmup=0.0, scaling=1.0)[source]

Function loading results from hdf5 file


path : str

Path to hdf5-file

data_type : str

Signal types in [‘CSD’ , ‘LFP’, ‘CSDsum’, ‘LFPsum’].

y : None or str

Name of population.

electrode : None or int

TODO: update, electrode is NOT USED

warmup : float

Lower cutoff of time series to remove possible transients

scaling : float,

Scaling factor for population size that determines the amount of loaded single-cell signals



[electrode id, compound signal] if y is None


[cell id, electrode, single-cell signal] otherwise

hybridLFPy.helpers.mean(data, units=False, time=False)[source]

Function to compute mean of data


data : numpy.ndarray

1st axis unit, 2nd axis time

units : bool

Average over units

time : bool

Average over time


if units=False and time=False:


if units=True:

1 dim numpy.ndarray; time series

if time=True:

1 dim numpy.ndarray; series of unit means across time

if units=True and time=True:

float; unit and time mean


>>> mean(np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]), units=True)
array([ 2.5,  3.5,  4.5])
>>> mean(np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]), time=True)
array([ 2.,  5.])
>>> mean(np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]), units=True,time=True)
hybridLFPy.helpers.movav(y, Dx, dx)[source]

Moving average rectangular window filter: calculate average of signal y by using sliding rectangular window of size Dx using binsize dx


y : numpy.ndarray


Dx : float

Window length of filter.

dx : float

Bin size of signal sampling.



Filtered signal.


Function to normalize data to have mean 0 and unity standard deviation (also called z-transform)


data : numpy.ndarray



z-transform of input array

hybridLFPy.helpers.powerspec(data, tbin, Df=None, units=False, pointProcess=False)[source]

Calculate (smoothed) power spectra of all timeseries in data. If units=True, power spectra are averaged across units. Note that averaging is done on power spectra rather than data.

If pointProcess is True, power spectra are normalized by the length T of the time series.


data : numpy.ndarray

1st axis unit, 2nd axis time.

tbin : float

Binsize in ms.

Df : float/None,

Window width of sliding rectangular filter (smoothing), None is no smoothing.

units : bool

Average power spectrum.

pointProcess : bool

If set to True, powerspectrum is normalized to signal length T.


freq : tuple

numpy.ndarray of frequencies.

POW : tuple

if units=False:

2 dim numpy.ndarray; 1st axis unit, 2nd axis frequency

if units=True:

1 dim numpy.ndarray; frequency series


>>> powerspec(np.array([analog_sig1, analog_sig2]), tbin, Df=Df)
Out[1]: (freq,POW)
>>> POW.shape
Out[2]: (2,len(analog_sig1))
>>> powerspec(np.array([analog_sig1, analog_sig2]), tbin, Df=Df, units=True)
Out[1]: (freq,POW)
>>> POW.shape
Out[2]: (len(analog_sig1),)

Fast line-by-line gdf-file reader.


fname : str

Path to gdf-file.



([gid, val0, val1, **]), dtype=object) mixed datatype array

hybridLFPy.helpers.setup_file_dest(params, clearDestination=True)[source]

Function to set up the file catalog structure for simulation output


params : object

e.g., cellsim16popsParams.multicompartment_params()

clear_dest : bool

Savefolder will be cleared if already existing.



hybridLFPy.helpers.variance(data, units=False, time=False)[source]

Compute the variance of data across time, units or both.


data : numpy.ndarray

1st axis unit, 2nd axis time.

units : bool

Variance across units

time : bool

Average over time


if units=False and time=False:


if units=True:

1 dim numpy.ndarray; time series

if time=True:

1 dim numpy.ndarray; series of single unit variances across time

if units=True and time=True:

float; mean of single unit variances across time


>>> variance(np.array([[1, 2, 3],[4, 5, 6]]), units=True)
array([ 2.25,  2.25,  2.25])
>>> variance(np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]), time=True)
array([ 0.66666667,  0.66666667])
>>> variance(np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]), units=True, time=True)
hybridLFPy.helpers.write_gdf(gdf, fname)[source]

Fast line-by-line gdf-file write function


gdf : numpy.ndarray

Column 0 is gids, columns 1: are values.

fname : str

Path to gdf-file.



submodule csd

Function true_lam_csd specification for calculation of true laminar CSD from the current-distribution on LFPy.cell.Cell objects, assuming line sources for each individual compartment, including the soma.

hybridLFPy.csd.true_lam_csd(cell, dr=100, z=None)[source]

Return CSD from membrane currents as function along the coordinates of the electrode along z-axis.


cell : LFPy.cell.Cell or LFPy.cell.TemplateCell object.


dr : float

Radius of the cylindrical CSD volume.

z : numpy.ndarray

Z-coordinates of electrode.


CSD : numpy.ndarray

Current-source density (in pA * mum^-3).

submodulue testing


Run unittests for the CSD toolbox


Indices and tables